Categories: ConsoleE3 2012

E3 2012, best of show: le candidature per i migliori titoli

Anche quest’anno si è chiuso l’E3 2012, l’evento a carattere videoludico che si è svolto a Los Angeles e che ha visto la presentazione di numerosi videogiochi da parte di altrettante aziende di produzione. I titoli presentati in alcuni casi sono dei veri e propri capolavori del videogioco. Successivamente vengono effettuate delle candidature per premiare i migliori titoli presentati nel corso dell’E3. Si tratta dei Best of E3 2012, i premi che una giuria assegna ai titoli che si sono maggiormente contraddistinti.

Sono parecchie le categorie con le varie candidature, ma sicuramente la sezione che maggiormente può essere considerata interessante è quella dei Best of Show, i migliori videogame presentati.

In questa categoria ci sono nomi molto importanti, come Assassin’s Creed 3, Dishonored, Halo 4 e anche Tomb Raider. Ecco tutte le nominations.

Best of Show

Assassin’s Creed III (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Dishonored (Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Halo 4 (343 Industries/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
The Last of Us (Naughty Dog/SCEA for PlayStation 3)
Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

Best Original Game

Beyond: Two Souls (Quantic Dream/SCEE for PlayStation 3)
Dishonored (Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Quantum Connundrum (Airtight Game/Square Enix for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
The Last of Us (Naughty Dog/SCEA for PlayStation 3)
Unfinished Swan (Giant Sparrow/SCEA for PlayStation 3)

Best Console Game

Assassin’s Creed III (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for PS3, Xbox 360)
Dishonored (Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks for PS3, Xbox 360)
Halo 4 (343 Industries/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
The Last of Us (Naughty Dog/SCEA for PlayStation 3)
Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics/Square-Enix for PS3, Xbox 360)

Best Handheld/Mobile Game

Assassin’s Creed III Liberation (Ubisoft Sofia/Ubisoft for PSVita)
Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion (Dreamrift/Disney Interactive Studios for 3DS)
Infinity Blade Dungeons (Epic Games/Epic Games for iOS)
Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon (Next Level Games/Nintendo for 3DS)
New Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo for 3DS)
Sound Shapes (Queasy Games/SCEA for PSVita)

Best PC Game

Company of Heroes 2 (Relic/THQ for PC)
Hawken (Adhesive Games/Meteor Entertainment for PC)
PlanetSide 2 (Sony Online Entertainment/Sony Online Entertainment for PC)
SimCity (Maxis/EA for PC)
X-Com: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Games/2K Games for PC)

Best Hardware/Peripheral

Astro A50 Wireless Gaming Headset (Astro)
Rift VR Headset (Palmer Lucky/John Carmack/id Software)
Wii U (Nintendo)
Wonderbook (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe)
Skylanders: Giants Figures (Toys for Bob/Activision)

Best Action Game

Borderlands 2 (Gearbox/2K Games for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Call of Duty: Black Ops II (Treyarch/Activision for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Crysis 3 (Crytek/EA for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Halo 4 (343 Industries/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengence (Platinum Games/Kojima Pro/Konami for PS3, Xbox 360)

Best Action/Adventure Game

Assassin’s Creed III (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for PC, PS3, Wii U, Xbox 360)
Beyond: Two Souls (Quantic Dream/SCEE for PlayStation 3)
Dishonored (Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
The Last of Us (Naughty Dog/SCEA for PlayStation 3)
Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

Best Role Playing Game

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (Square Enix/Square Enix for 3DS)
Ni No Kuni (Level-5/Namco Bandai for PlayStation 3)
Persona 4 Golden (Atlus/Atlus for PSVita)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Dawnguard (BGS/Bethesda for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
South Park: The Stick of Truth (Obsidian Entertainment/THQ for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

Best Fighting Game

Dead or Alive 5 (Team Ninja/Tecmo Koei for PS3, Xbox 360)
Injustice: Gods Among Us (NetherRealm Studios/WBIE for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U)
Persona 4 Arena (Arc System Works/Atlus for PS3, Xbox 360)
PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale (SuperBot/SCEA for PlayStation 3, PSVita)
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Namco Bandai Games/Namco Bandai Games for PS3, Xbox 360)

Best Racing Game

F1 2012 (Codemasters/Codemasters for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Forza Horizon (Playground Games/Turn 10 Studios/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
LittleBigPlanet Karting (United Front Games/Media Molecule/SCEA for PS3)
Need for Speed Most Wanted (Criterion Games/EA for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed (Sumo/Sega for PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS Vita, 3DS)

Best Sports Game

FIFA Soccer 13 (EA Canada/EA Sports for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Madden NFL 13 (EA Tiburon/EA Sports for PS3, Xbox 360)
NBA 2K13 (Visual Concepts/2K Sports for PS3, Xbox 360)
NHL 13 (EA Canada/EA Sports for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 (PES Productions/Konami for PC, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360, 3DS)

Best Strategy Game

Company of Heroes 2 (Relic/THQ for PC)
End of Nations (Petroglyph Games/Trion Worlds for PC)
SimCity (Maxis/EA for PC)
Pikmin 3 (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo for Wii U)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis Games/2K Games for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

Best Social/Casual Game

Dance Central 3 (Harmonix/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
Game & Wario (working title)
(Intelligent Systems/Nintendo for Wii U)
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (TT/WBIE for PC, PS3, PSVita, X360, Wii, 3DS)
Nintendoland (Nintendo/Nintendo for Wii U)
Rock Band Blitz (Harmonix for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

Best Motion Simulation Game

Dance Central 3 (Harmonix/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
Fable: The Journey (Lionhead/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
Game & Wario (working title)
(Intelligent Systems/Nintendo for Wii U)
Just Dance 4 (Ubisoft/Ubisoft for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, and Wii U)
Wii Fit U (Nintendo/Nintendo for Wii U)
Wonderbook: Books of Spells (London Studio/SCEE for PlayStation 3)

Best Online Multiplayer Game

Borderlands 2 (Gearbox/2K Games for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Call of Duty: Black Ops II (Treyarch/Activision for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Halo 4 (343 Industries/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
Need for Speed Most Wanted (Criterion/EA for PC, PS3, PSVita, Xbox 360)
PlanetSide 2 (Sony Online Entertainment/Sony Online Entertainment for PC)

Best Downloadable Game

Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit (Arkedo Studio/Sega for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Quantum Conundrum (Airtight Games/Square Enix for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Retro City Rampage (VBlank Entertainment for PC, PS3, PSVita, Xbox 360, Wii)
The Cave (Double Fine/Sega for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Unfinished Swan (Giant Sparrow/SCEA for PlayStation 3)

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